Energy Pathways to Harmony

One of the great things about having a studio locally is that I get to photography a lot of locals.

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Debra Bernath for many years. We first met in 2011, when I took The Dragon’s Way Qi Gong class with her at Shakti Yoga in Maplewood, NJ. I’ve taking the class a few times with her and since have been getting QTM massages from her. When, I’m on on her table, I’m immediately transported into another dimension.

This past year, she came to me for new photos for her website, but after taking a holistic look at her branding, she decided it was time for a a new, updated website that gave clients a good sense of her, her services and value. Good thing, I also design and write websites : )

We covered a lot in just a few hours in the studio. We took headshots, personality shots, shots of her working with “clients” AKA, my assistant, Rowan, and images would work as headers for her new website. She brought in her massage table and dressed up the background to give the sense that she was in her own massage studio.

Debra is also a very talented artist. She supplied her own hand-drawn logo. Together we came up with a color-scheme that felt very “Debra”.

Check out her new site and photography at:


Who’s the head in the headshot? - Anthea Watson Strong